
AI Solutions for Africa

Our Vision is to Develop innovative solutions to problems in Africa using new artificial intelligence technologies.


Together we can make Africa Better
One AI solution at a time

We believe that Artificial Intelligence can help solve a lot of problems in Africa. AI Technologies for Africa is a startup engaged in applying Artificial Intelligence in order to address problems in Africa. Founded in June 2022 by KENFACK ANAFACK ALEX BRUNO,AI Developer and Computer Vision Specialist.


Bruno Kenfack


“Our Goal Is To Support Africa towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 by Proposing solutions to problems in Africa.”

Meet our exceptional team

Aitecaf CEO - Alex Bruno

Kenfack Anafack Alex Bruno

Founder, CEO & Computer Vision Developer
Aitecaf CMO - Jeumeni Germain

JEUMENI Gamo Germain

Chief Marketing Officer
Aitecaf Software Developer - Kano Dekou Billy Brown

Kano Dekou Billy Brown

Software Developer
Aitecaf UI/UX Designer - Njamgue Glen

Njamgue Ikomi lifangi Glen

UI/UX Designer